Become an Ambassador...
for atriske project
Are you inspired? Do you want to play a part in this journey? We are currently looking for Atriske Project Ambassadors to engage in the following ways:
Share on social media:
share one of the photos shown here on social media—include #atriskeproject and with your post. Click on any image to enlarge it, then option click to download it.
send a personal email to your contacts telling them about this project with a link to the website
share a photo and/or story of you and your purchased piece on social media and/or email
Get involved in the search for:
a marketing/social media person
a manager/director for exhibition and sales
logistical and physical support
exhibition space that would be suitable for:
Five-Dimensional Monument (80m2)
Circle of Consciousness (200m2)
As an Ambassador, you will have an active role in the journey of this project. You will be able to engage and lend a voice through the methods listed above and through email communications with the artist and other ambassadors.
Together our goal is to bring a wider awareness to the project on a whole, sharing the beauty and experience of Ton’s art to as many people as possible.
For more information on becoming an Ambassador, please send an email here.