“There is a peaceful energy felt as your eyes follow the twists and curves...the natural flow of wood hugging stone, embraced in a dance, alive again. ”
Where are we now?
Distinguishing between the five dimensions of consciousness depends on one’s personal emotional, rational and experiential filters. These filters influence the soul's journey as it makes its way ‘home’ where all is unconditionally connected in love. Each individual and humanity as a whole are evolving and have lessons to learn in order to find their way into a more comprehensive consciousness.
A good way to see this in operation is to examine your personal reactions to the large amount of information and images inundating people in our modern life on a daily basis. This information energetically influences many different layers of our consciousness and raises questions such as:
• What visions motivate or inspire you?
• Where do you find peace in your daily life?
• How do you stay bulletproof from manipulation?
• Which “channels” do you allow and which ones do you turn off?
• How does the constant exposure to stories of violence impact you?
• What effect does the encouragement of hatred of ‘the other’ have on you?
• How is your fear triggered?
• What old patterns direct your thoughts and behavior?
In short:
• How do you find and follow your soul/life path?
• How do you stay the course on this path?
• How do you achieve a life in unity with the earth and all its inhabitants?
>THE 1ST DIMENSION of consciousness The 1st dimension is organized by the field of gravity. This is the inner energy of the earth which comes from the rotation of our planet and the chemical structures of stones, magma, metals, and crystals. These keep us anchored to the earth and literally help us to stay ‘grounded’. Stability and solidity are essential in our effort to achieve contact with higher dimensions.
>THE 2ND DIMENSION of consciousness The 2nd dimension is organized by the interaction of matter and organisms. The earth’s magnetic field, cells, bacteria, viruses, and yeasts work interactively and harmoniously to maintain the health of all creatures and natural environments in optimum form. The exploitation of the earth, the plundering of its resources, and general disrespect for its intricate and intelligent balance can only result in the disasters which we have increasingly witnessed, such as the loss of natural habitats with the resulting extinction of many species, increasing climate change disasters and the rise of devastating pandemics.
>THE 3RD DIMENSION of consciousness The 3rd dimension is organized by the experience of duality. In this dimension we perceive all phenomena through our physical senses. We are aware of time and space and we experience the past, present, and future within this framework. In this dimension, emotions such as sadness, joy, anger, and fear can either lead to increasingly elevated awareness or drive us to exclude or escape, seeking relief without considering the consequences to ourselves and others. The resulting unhealthy patterns and unconscious behaviors serve to separate us from the awareness of who we truly are and can limit the potential of our species if left unchallenged.
Self-interested marketing and lobbying strategies prey on our negative beliefs through political and media-driven manipulation. Fake news, the blaming of the ‘other’ for the crisis of the day and an emphasis on scarcity are some of the tools used to maintain a status quo of egotistical economics, environmental policies, and political strategies.
All of this undermines not only the health of all on the planet but also keeps humanity hypnotized into believing in its own powerlessness. If we remain trapped in this dimension of duality, we cannot discover our authentic power and we remain hostages to the authority of those without self-reflection.
We already have the tools to free ourselves from these negative influences. Listening to music, engaging in dance, yoga, tai chi, or mindfulness, engaging in healthy eating habits, and immersing ourselves in the natural world awaken more than just enjoyment and good health. These practices bring us closer to our essential nature, resulting in more loving and successful relationships with ourselves and others while increasing our natural empathy and commitment to our families, communities, and our planet.
>THE 4TH DIMENSION of consciousness The 4th dimension is characterized by the opening of the heart. It is a transitional bridge to the 5th dimension, a portal to higher worlds. Here, although we still experience duality (good/evil, light/dark, masculine/feminine) we begin to long for a life led by our hearts. We are increasingly aware of the need to self-reflect and to take responsibility for our blind spots. We are more naturally inclined to forgive others for their behaviors and take responsibility for our own unhappiness or circumstances. Gradually, the awareness that we are all one living organism begins to penetrate our consciousness. This is a core requirement for entry into the 5th dimension. As this awareness grows, new knowledge and invention are more easily accessed or ‘downloaded’ resulting in new innovative solutions to the urgent needs and questions of our time.
Challenges to the wisdom of the heart The path of the 4th dimension leads to a crucial choice. “Will I allow myself to stay blind and trapped in the destructive aspects of a world run according to the belief in separation and duality, or will I commit myself to deepening and increasing my awareness and knowledge of a higher dimension of self and planetary operation?”. This is the core question we need to answer in order to proceed into 5th-dimensional consciousness. The challenge of this choice is made more difficult by the constant repetition of various destructive beliefs promoted by those interested in maintaining the status quo, such as:
• the world is a cruel place—‘Nature’s red in tooth and claw” (Tennyson)
• competition for limited resources in a world of scarcity is the only way to survive
• we have vulnerable bodies and are therefore unable to participate in our own healing
• we can’t possibly have enough influence on the powers that be
• we are not intelligent enough, attractive enough, or belonging to the ‘right’ racial or gender group
…and the list goes on.
Thus we are trained to doubt ourselves, to deny our own intuition and intelligence. We can develop fears of exclusion, illness, and death. We can become afraid of our emotions and inner turmoil leading to the conviction that self-examination is dangerous. We can feel guilty and quick to judge and punish ourselves and/or others. Sometimes this takes the form of seeking power over another in order to control our fear and uncertainty. Unconsciously guided by our traumas and external voices we can become ever more addicted to gaining status and wealth to fill the void. Internal and external wars are seeded by these feelings and beliefs.
Breaking free of these false beliefs is an urgent necessity if we want to experience the freedom, connection, health, and inner growth that can result in the next level of human evolution.
>THE 5TH DIMENSION of our consciousness The 5th dimension is organized by love. The heart is the compass in all matters. The higher self (the soul) is attuned to the heart, the source of connected collective consciousness. In this dimension, love is the prime motivator. We can still experience emotions however we are not blinded by their intensity and we are the masters of our own impulses. The ego is no longer the guiding force in our lives but is in service to the way of the heart.
Achieving this manifestation of love and unconditional life, we do not become less important as individuals. Rather is it an enhancement of our importance as meaningful and active participants in a greater dynamic collective, as opposed to a diminishment of our value. The power of this collective consciousness can move mountains while infusing our individual lives with richness and fulfillment!